Delaware Home Market Value Appraisal - What is your homes market value ?
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Do you need to know your Home Market Value? Planning to Sell your home ? Prior to listing your home, there is no better source of Market Value than that determined by a Certified Appraiser with knowledge of your market area. Are you a Cash Buyer? Find out if you are overpaying, or if you are getting a good deal, or if the price is right. Are you considering refinancing and need to know the Market Value before beginning to go through the process required by the lender? Do you need a property appraised for Estate, Divorce, or Bankruptcy? Joseph Randazzo is a Certified Real Estate Appraiser, an expert in Market Home Valuation. Pre Listing Market Value Appraisal: An appraisal of a home providing a conclusion of market value to assist you in setting the List Price. Referrals from Realtors to potential sellers to have their home appraised first is not unusual. The contract price of your home must be supportable or the contract of sale may become null and void.
Considering Making an Offer ? We provide Market Value Appraisals to Purchasers considering making an offer. Or, if the price the are willing to pay is supportable for lending purposes.
Market Consultation: Find out not just what your home is worth, but what other similar recent comparable sales in your area and neighborhood have sold for, along with a Market Valuation Analysis (MVA) for your neighborhood and your town.
Estate Settlement, Estate Planning, Divorce, Bankruptcy, Bail bonds: We are very experienced in preparing Appraisals specifically for these purposes.